Without further delay here is your first dose of Artist's Inspiration.
Sketchbook: If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my axe
Artist: Spudonkey
Site: Imagine FX
Link: http://community.imaginefx.com/forums/13/378706/ShowThread.aspx
Spudonkey has a really quirky style which looks fantastic. Line art is crisp and clean. The sketchbook has a great combination of studies and imaginative pieces.
Sketchbook: Vices Sketchbook
Artist: Vice
Site: Conceptart.org
Link: http://conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php?200074-Vices-Sketchbook/page8
Worth a visit just for the shear amount of studies. You can tell Vice is a hard worker. It would be nice to see more of an emphasis on shading studies as I feel he is pretty confident with anatomy. Also brush confidence could use some work in places but these are little things. Cannot wait to visit this sketchbook again in a few weeks time.
Star Sketchbook.
Sketchbook: Garret AJ's Sketchbook nonsense
Artist: Garret AJ
Site: CGHub
Link: http://cghub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13771
Fantastic colours, great variety of works, and amazingly realised finished pieces. Really impressive works from start to finish. Garret is extremely talented, especially when it comes to colour, producing to very eye catching pieces.
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Youtube Video
Our featured article comes from The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/gallery/2013/jan/28/light-show-hayward-gallery-in-pictures#/?picture=403145355&index=5
For those of you wanting to paint a scifi scene you may want to check out Shine on: Light Show at the Hayward Gallery. The concepts are extremely inspiring and can easily be translated into futuristic scenes.
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