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Sunday, 11 November 2012

Interview with SupermarioArt

Our first exclusive interview is with Mario Liberti aka. SupermarioART

He is an extreamly talented 3d artist with a flair for pin-ups.

What got you into 3d modelling?

I had always drawn in my life but when i bought my first PC it didn’t seem so true to be able to create nice drawings without stain everywhere with inks and pencils.First i discovered 2d and the world of photomanipulation with Photoimpact and Paint Shop Pro.Then after some month i met Bryce and my world is changed.I had the possibility to create fantastic 3d illustrations importing characters and models from DAz Studio in wonderful environments in a very easy way.This has been my working process for some years until i discovered Poser and Photoshop.

What has been the highlight of your professional life so far?

At present my professional life is still to build.I’ve worked for some commission and i wait again for the great job from a great client.But i can certainly highlight the attention of those people and professionals that like and feature my work in so beautiful site like yours.

What are your goals for the future?

My first goal is always improving my skill and technique.Then to have the possibility to illustrate a book or a magazine cover in a way to know my art to all people.

Which image have you enjoyed working on the most?

I’ve had a lot of fun in creating all artworks of the last year,where i have worked mixing 2d and 3d techniques and especially about my last three works where i have given so many room to my creativity and style.

Which has been your most challenging image to work on?

Excluding my last works i have to say that the image to which i’m particularly tied is “Lady Aaken”.It has been a very detailed work of composition and use of materials,a real challenge for me in that time and a great satisfaction for the final result.

What is the most satisfying thing about working in 3d?

The most satisfyng thing i think is the same about 2d and art in general.To create “something that doesn’t exist”,to express yourself and your creativity,at the end to give emotions to all people.If you reach this result i believe you can consider you really satisfied.

Do you have any experience in other mediums?

Only with some traditional like pencils and inks.

What is your typical work process from start to finish?

I prefer always to start from a 3d render about a human character in Poser.I work particularly on its pose,attitude and look,and i take care about lighting.In broad i have the scene to create in my mind so i choose lights and their direction.If i think i need some particular object i render it in Poser or Bryce.I save all images in png.format and i go to Photoshop for the composition.If renders have some imperfection,for example about character anatomy,i can correct it with “liquify filter” or “smudge brush” without problems.So i work with levels,i start to create all shapes i need(for example the pieces of an armor or a weapon)with base brushes or resource brushes i find on the web(especially on DeviantArt).I play with level effects,adding textures and colors if it’s necessary and continue to add detail on detail trying to mix all in the image with lighting i’ve thought.If some added object hasn’t a shadow i create it because all must be realistic and believable.In the meanwhile i can play also with the background.I can make it directly in Photoshop or Photoimpact,but also create it in 3d in Bryce.Then i work on the atmosphere of the image,i like a lot “fog brushes” and “lens flares”.I’ve always need to take care of all details,so i make corrections and additions in all stages of the work,also on the final image if necessary.
At the end i can make color or lighting corrections,i add my logo in Photoimpact,sometimes a frame….that’s all!

You do a lot of fantasy and sci-fi work, which do you prefer?

I have a natural tendency towards all is futuristic,but it’s quite difficult for me to make a decisive choice.If i must i choose “Extreme C.U.R.E.” and “NEXT POWERBALL” for the kind of style.

What are your inspirations and influences?

I have too many inspirations and influences to mention,really,my mind is a true sponge for this.My first influences began between 70′s and 80′s with japanese cartoons and american comics,so here is my love for robots and heroes/characters.Then all is continued with fantasy and sci-fi movies,insiprations about great artists like Boris Vallejo.And now there are so many sources and artists to inspire my mind.

What do you enjoy most about pin-ups?

Well,i think the reasons that move the artist to create a pin-up are essentially the same that move the viewer to watch it.There’s a clear erotic message in an artistic nude,a kind of healthy “voyeurism” typical of male towards female body.Nothing so strange,because the male mind is more sensible to visual stimulus unlike female mind that use human senses in a more complete way.A female body is so beautiful to watch and give wonderful sensations and emotions.The only difference is that the artist try to create that emotions,the viewer simply share them.

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